Walking Matters

Godalming & Haslemere Ramblers

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Puttenham Common circular

The good weather continued; it was another hot, sunny day.

Fourteen arrived for this morning’s 5½ mile walk which started from Puttenham Common upper car park.

Our leader took us across the common (without faltering) to the North Downs Way, turned west and followed the NDW to a permissive path that took us south through the Hampton Estate to Littleworth Road. We turned right (west), took a bridleway on the left that went SE past Culverswell Hill to Seale Road, crossed the road, continued on a path through Britty Wood, reached Littleworth Road again, crossed this to a path that led to The Tarn, walked past the NW side of the lake and followed bridleways back to the car park.

The temperature gradually rose during the morning so we were glad of the woodland stretches of the walk.

Map: OS X 145